Hayward diver dave above ground pool cleaner. Provides you with easy, trouble-free operation.
Diver dave improve water circulation by acting as a moving main drain, pulling water from the bottom of your pool as they move. Your water circulates and your pool stays cleaner – without the use of chemical sanitizers. The exclusive aquapilot® programmed steering system means these cleaners won’t miss a spot. After you see how easily and effortlessly it keeps your pool clean, you won’t be able to keep yourself from loving these cleaners! Above-ground pools (flat or dished bottoms) will not work in intex or any soft-sided swimming pools.
Advanced, contoured head design allows the aquabug to complete the steering pattern in minimal time. Deluxe bumper ring minimizes friction for easy movement away from walls and resumption of the programmed steering pattern. Slotted santropene shoes for quick turns. 32′ ft of hose included. Reduced carton size (52″ length down to 39″).
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